Eames Limousine Sofa & Ottoman

It’s been years in the making, and the models Daniel has created since 2016 have left the shop as soon as they’re done, but there are now four colors to choose from: Ebony (pictured), Champagne, Honey Tan, and Jaguar Red. The sofas are a tonic to your body, and the ignition of conversations in your salon. Based on the Eames lounge chair of the 1950’s, the limousine version occurred to Daniel one evening as he wondered about the purpose of a sofa.

“The whole point is to be near somebody else, within touching distance,” says Donnelly, “So it seemed the perfect combination of comfort with companionship, a beautiful loveseat anyone would adore having in their rooms, ideally surrounded by books and plants and a great view.”

The Eames Limousine in Honey Tan is currently on display at the S. Early Street studio foyer. Come in, bring a book, relax!

Michael Boyd's Malibu design

“Modernism is a philosophical approach based on rationality and reality,” declares Michael Boyd. “It grew out of the visual chaos of the nineteenth century in a quest for honesty, simplicity and an emphasis on materials.”

Michael Boyd’s design of the Shed House in Malibu made use of Daniel Donnelly’s furnishings, as can be seen in the pictures here and in a gallery of images from Design LA.

Check out the entire feature from Design LA:

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Is that my sofa Seth Myers is sitting on?

You bet! Seth Meyers is a longtime Daniel Donnelly fan, and his sets often feature furnishings made at Daniel’s Alexandria studios. “He wanted something unique that he could make iconic, so we did our best to design specifically for his needs. He is as friendly as you can imagine,” says Daniel. “I try a few of my one-liners on him, and he is always outstandingly polite in his respone.”

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